Hi everyone hope you all are fine and fit. In  my new blog i will unpack the philips t 4556genuinely remote dynamic commotion dropping mini headphones this is a cooperation between philips and the k-pop gathering stacy to give you the most lovely tuning in experience loaded with some truly perfect includes so we should rapidly investigate a portion of the top feature highlights on these remote headphones we have half and half dynamic clamor undoing we have ipx accreditations for sprinkle and sweat obstruction number three we have 12 millimeter miniature speakers with improved acoustic plan and a super punchy bass number four we have support for aac interpreting for more excellent sound playback so we should begin with the unpacking. Like to purchase Philips Headphone.

Presently we have a lot of various colors you will saw in this blog and to look over yet by and by i will be investigating this light green mint one since I like it you have all the fundamental feature specs on the actual container alongside what's going to be inside the container discussing which sliding the container open there you have it those are the mini headphones in their charging case which feels very light simply grasping it feels quite light inside you're going to get the mini headphones themselves now that aside moving further along you get the extras like the sort c charging link as well as extra ear tips for numerous ear measures in conclusion you get the fast starter guide as well as the data booklets so there you have it all the different variety variations to browse this multitude of varieties are very decent looking they're not very dynamic it's an exceptionally inconspicuous it's a more superior variety focus on it that is really the ideal segue to continue on toward our next segment which is the assemble quality and the plan on this beginning with the charging case it's entirely lightweight simple to convey around toss it in your pocket and you won't actually realize.

 It's there you've got an attractive hook that is pretty fulfilling to close and keeps the headphones safely set up regardless of whether you attempt to shake it even with the case wide open and you have a go at doing that the tiny headphones aren't exactly going to drop out without any problem despite the fact that they clatter inside the magnet is serious areas of strength for very keep them in place with respect to the actual buds once more they're very light and have a very secure fit in your ear so when you place them in they fit in extremely cozy and go into the ear channel that clearly gives you an excellent detached seal yet i'll discuss this somewhat later so on the two buds you have the charge markers alongside the receivers also, the surface region around the Philips logo has the multi-contact usefulness for controls since everything on these headphones is controlled with your touch detecting the last moment that it comes to the form is the way that this is ipx4 sweat and water safe so assuming

You're running you get found out in downpour it's not going to harm the gadget by any stretch of the imagination now continuing on toward the fit and the generally solace as referenced before the headphones have an excellent uninvolved seal as of now intending that when I put them in it removes a tad of that surrounding commotion as of now since it's fixing my ear pretty well that additionally implies in the event that you shake your head around you go running or running they will not be dropping out anyplace the vibe of the buds is quite pleasant also they tighte further towards the ear waterway so it goes more profound in your ear for that ideal seal this is something to note for some individuals however on the grounds that they could do without things diving excessively deep into their ear so in the event that you're one of those individuals simply keep that as a main priority I really do by and by think.

They're very pleasant in the ear they don't distend out an excessive lot from the sides of my head so on the off potential for success that I have still along these lines you don't exactly fundamentally try and see them  which is very pleasant I could do without at the point when they're like excessively protruding out so this one does that well straightaway how about we talk usefulness so matching this up with your cell phone is basic this is utilizing bluetooth 5.2 just tur on the bluetooth on your gadget open up the charging case cover and contingent upon assuming that this is your most memorable matching eliminate the headphones from the packaging and your telephone ought to have the option to perceive the gadget on there tap on that and that is all you need to do to coordinate them up so that is essentially it then you ought to have it associated with your gadget utilizing iphone you can see that it's now airplaying onto the tiny headphones and you can see the battery rate OK on there so starting there on each time you open up the charging case the headphones would consequently associate with your last matched gadget concerning the ease of use these headphones in all actuality do accompany anc dynamic clamor.

Dropping as referenced before what not that can be turned on set off on and off utilizing the touch detecting so here are the touch controls twofold tap on the right earpiece to turn on the anc twofold tap it again to transform it to mindfulness mode which essentially turns on the outer receivers so you can hear all the surrounding sound around you twofold tap it again to switch off the anc twofold tapping the left ear rapidly empowers speedy mindfulness regardless of which mode you were on before it'll rapidly turn on mindfulness so you can hear what's occurring around you tapping and holding on the right earpiece plays or stops your music triple tap on the right earpiece skips forward triple tap on the left earpiece avoids in reverse twofold tap the right earpiece to answer a call or hang up by squeezing and holding briefly tap also, hold the left earpiece for two.

Seconds to set off siri or google colleague now these are the primary functionalities that you will be utilizing continually it takes a touch of muscle memory to recollect which is where however, when you do it turns out to be natural also, you can basically do it without in any event, thinking now on to possibly the most significant part of this the sound quality from my initial testing of this I would agree that that the sound quality is genuinely adjusted in all cases so you can hear vocals pretty plainly instrument partition is pleasant it may be marginally smaller in certain areas be that as it may, by and large for general music utilization for most kinds it's pretty great anyway the bass on this is pretty strong and rich for such music so assuming you pay attention to exceptionally bass weighty music it very well may be a smidgen overwhelming so I surmise contingent upon the sort of music you pay attention to. you may have a totally different involvement in this yet for most of music that you would pay attention to for most kinds of music it's very even and kept up with volume levels truly do get very high and the mutilation control at those higher volumes is very great another extraordinary part of these headphones is that they support the interpreting aac basically accomplishes amore excellent than your standard mp3 at.

A similar piece rate so it's simply fundamentally a more excellent deciphering so for iphone clients for instance aac deciphering will be furnished with a top notch sound experience which can without much of a stretch be empowered in the music settings onto the anc we need to know the dynamic commotion dropping execution the anc on this works, truth be told well to offset undesirable clamors it works . These guys accompany a 9 hour play time with as long as 20 hours utilizing the charging case this is with anc switched off with the anc turned on you get six hours of playback time and 15 extra hours with the charging case that is as a matter of fact really lengthy for headphones inside this cost range with anc likewise simply popping your mini headphones into the charging case for 10 minutes gives you one extra hour of battery duration presently again these are only our first impressions with this gadget i'm very eager to give this a shot more i'm certain a part of you folks are too particularly those intrigued by the k-pop gathering stacy. so in light of that we've really worked with phillips to do a giveaway for two units of these so these will be fresh out of the plastic new units to offer.