Hi how are you guys I share information regarding Samsung system a13, it comes in two unique tones we have dark and this green variety here it has four gigabytes of smash and 64 gigabytes of capacity with a miniature sd card opening for extra capacity we have a 5 000 milliamp hour battery we have a 90 hertz invigorate rate show we likewise have a 50 megapixel essential focal point we likewise have a 2megapixel profundity sensor and a 2 megapixel large scale focal point we have a pleasant new look and plan here so with no further ado we should feel free to look at the universe a13 5g

On the top we have our telephone put that to the side look at that cool green variety, see what else is happening in the crate here we have a usb type c to type c charging link we have a sim discharge device apparently we don't have a charger with this telephone this is the first of Samsung’s reasonable telephone that i've seen no charger in the crate with yet we should go ahead look at the cosmic system a13 5g good initial feeling straight out of the bundling this telephone looks pretty sweet seeing a portion of those is great Samsung configuration tints boiling down to the lower end models simply have our very basic triple focal point set up here we have a matte plastic completion on the back here we likewise have plastic on the sides here gives the idea.

We truly do have a double sim arrangement also, that miniature sd card space for extra capacity exceptionally pleasant wrapped up there up the upper didn't leave anything else on the left side on the base we have an earphone jack love to see that have a mic we have our type c port fit for 15 watt quick charging we have our single speaker on the right side.

 We have our volume rockers at the top and my #1 I love to see this the side mounted unique mark sensor on the top we have another mic now this has a fair sum of weight to it really it weighs 195 grams have a nice measure of thickness be that as it may, moving right along how about we go for it what's more, boot up the system a13 taking our first look here at the 6.5 inch 720p show it is a pls tft show and we do have 90 hertz revive rate.

 We have a few somewhat little bezels around the edges we have a smidgen of jawline on the base and just to give you all a genuine size of correlation here of the size of this telephone this is the s21 ultra you can see it's very nearly a comparable size it's not as tall it's a smidgen more limited however the thickness it's right there with it however i will sit tight for all my applications to complete the process of downloading get all my data in this telephone and return with my initial feelings on the universe a13 5g okay so i've been utilizing the system a13 for almost the previous day now

So i'm most certainly prepared to share some of my initial feelings with you all getting going with opening and getting into the telephone I totally love the side finger impression sensor incorporated into the power button this simply makes for the simplest strategy for opening any telephone out there available notwithstanding that side unique finger impression sensor we moreover have face open which i've likewise found to function admirably doing a couple tests here.

You can see that it opens immediately have approved of either the face acknowledgment or on the other hand the finger impression sensor on the telephone next broad use and route of the telephone I truly haven't had any issues it's been extremely simple to immediately explore through the telephone it' decent having that 90 hertz revive rate to simply easily explore through various things on the telephone and applications open extremely fast exceptionally smart truly i've had no issues just with my generally speaking general use such a long ways with the a13 next we obviously have the 5g network. You don't need to stress over the 5g network being any kind of a lower grade since this is a more reasonable telephone you're getting that same extraordinary 5g network here yet I believe what's considerably more significant about that 5g is that i've seen an exhibition support on this a13 contrasted with some of the past age. 

                Moreover, found that I truly appreciated playing some old school run escape on this telephone just since again the exhibition has been very great so in the event that I just rapidly sign in here i've quite recently been doing a tad of going around and general testing what's more, it has been really smooth on this a13 what's more, it's not on the grounds that it has a somewhat higher invigorate rate which old school run escape exploits that so this is running at 90 hertz it's simply the way that it is a smooth.

Generally speaking experience execution wise I’m not seeing any faltering or slacks up to this point been an issue on a portion of my other lower end samsung gadgets so it is perfect to see that since we have that 5g modem in here and the processor that necessities to run that 5g is simply giving us some by and large better execution so at first very content with the 5g and processor combo happening we have the 50 megapixel essential focal point the 2 megapixel full scale focal point and the profundity sensor each day general photographs have been great in my individual testing yet there's without a doubt more to be wanted from the large scale focal poi it's simply OK and tragically video simply didn't come out that extraordinary in my assessment it is shooting at 1080p 30 yet it's extremely unsteady allowed I in all actuality do have flimsy hands it'll take care of business when absolutely necessary

However, I wouldn't buy this to film recordings using any and all means and the 5 mega pixel selfie camera certainly must be in a sufficiently bright situation for good. The most delightful part about this telephone up to this point for me at first has been the battery life investigating my battery utilization i've gotten almost six hours of screen on time from around 63 of the battery so generally unimaginable battery duration such a long ways on the a13 and that battery utilization incorporates totally setting up the telephone introducing hundreds of utilizations having it on max

brilliance for a great deal of time for these hierarchical video shots and simply my general utilization the battery duration has been perfect on this a13 5g that isn't an misrepresentation of reality and finally I simply cared about to address the general plan rapidly what's more, structure factor since this has an incredible feel in the hand you don't see such a large number of telephones these days with this single piece on the whole back of the telephone a pleasant adjusted finish here it simply squeezes into your palm really well holding this telephone also, watching content on it and playing games with it in scene direction everything from an individual client experience has been great at first here on the universe a13 what is your perspective on the a13 let me in on down in the remarks beneath and on the off chance that you partook in this blog.