This is the universe s22 ultra it's samsung's leader telephone for 2022. also, assuming the most recent couple of years are anything to go by this ought to set another benchmark for what a cell phone can do so here are the truly cool things I like about it the tricky things I don't like about it and afterward the unavoidable issue on the off chance that it's worth the effort is it worth dropping, what you're doing running to your PC and smacking that pre-request button at the present time alright so the absolute first advancement of note is that the s22 ultra has a s pen pointer incorporated into it and it's sort of astounding see samsung used to have two various arrangements of leaders they had the series which zeroed in on having a quicker chipset and enormous camera upgrades.

Afterward they had the note series which zeroed in on efficiency using this pen however the S22 ultra is both of these things in addition to the pen has never felt improved while their last rendition had an inertness or slack of around nine milliseconds which was previously verging on unclear from a genuine pen this time round thanks to man-made intelligence that can't simply know where the pointer is yet in addition foresee where it's going to be they've figured out how to manage that slack right down to simply 2.8 milliseconds and afterward we have the plan and just to give you setting here.

 I love the plan of the S21 Ultra it was agreeable to hold it was spotless yet at a similar time it had character in the type of this camera lodging that sort of liquefies into the top corner and with the s22 ultra I feel like samsung's taken the following legitimate forward-moving step it's practically indistinguishable regarding aspects furthermore, finish and, surprisingly, the place of each camera focal point yet they've currently redesigned the glass all over for 12.5 percent more strength and they stripped away that cumbersome camera lodging leaving the focal points themselves as the main jutting parts it's actual clean and I mean this green variety I believe it's charming I love it what's more, the way that this lodging is no more gives the entire telephone simply a compliment more uniform generally speaking profile that said having seen it and involved it in individual I additionally can't resist the urge to feel like it likewise looks a piece plain.

Now so utilitarian that it's all there is to it's practically lost a portion of its personality the focal points are currently somewhat more uncovered however my greatest problem with this plan is truly for what reason do they need to work everything out such that sharp like I get that it has a s pen and that it's intended to look like the state of a book that you should write. It's simply superfluously pokey and a chomped less agreeable than it ought to be this is an extremely odd approach to picturing it however, simply view what the smooth s21 ultra does to this cardboard versus how the new s22 ultra treats it's still a decent plan it's simply if their last telephone was a nine this is an eight what's more, i'm a sweet three presently on the off chance that there's one thing that I would be able have let you know quite a while back that samsung planned to nail here it's the screen samsung has turned into the biggest presentation organization on the planet for an explanation thus this is simply me affirming to you that.

 once more it's extremely gorgeous some a piece of me is disheartened that they haven't attempted to like propel themselves past this cutout show design the way that from the front this doesn't appear to be a lot of unique to the 2019 world note 10. yet, then again through cycle you could contend that they've idealized the arrangement they do have the s22 ultra screen takes the last previously dazzling board and dials the top brilliance up from 1500 nits all the best approach to 1750 and it does so while in reality consuming less power see their last telephone, utilized something many refer to as ltpotech which implied that at whatever point you're taking a gander at something static say a site page it could tone down its invigorate rate from 120 hertz down to 10 hertz however the s22 ultra can dial it as far as possible back to only one hertz OK I want to discuss samsung's programming stand by indeed.

Samsung programming my uh my assessment on it is changing there was a time where samsung telephones were so stacked with futile applications that they were more swelled than well me after fried fish and French fries Friday they had a UI that seemed as though it was intended for five-year-olds and purchasing a samsung telephone felt like you were marking away any expectations of getting a product update on time in any case, they've truly straightened out their game the bloatware is still an issue samsung truly needs you to utilize samsung applications and they won't stop attempting to make you.

 However their updates are presently way speedier and in addition to that they're currently encouraging four entire long stretches of them which will take this telephone all the way from android 12 to android 16 and as for the skin that sits what's more android the s22 telephones all boat with samsung's one ui4 which is a fitting number since there's four things I like about it there's a variety range highlight which naturally matches the subject of your entire telephone to the variety of your backdrop which keeps it new without you truly expecting to think about it there's another plan language with more straightforwardness which gives their telephones like a lighter vibe and the sky is the limit from there critically I don't feel like i'm in preschool by utilizing it any longer the camera application has now been neatened up it looks slicker it works quicker and you can't hold down the photograph button to promptly begin taking a video and they've revamped the settings with all that set out in a somewhat more consistent design.

They even prize you with a smiley face on the off chance that you figure out how to not mess your telephone up what's more, presently we're back to preschool once more be that as it may, hello if you would like to be educated in innovation then a sub to the channel would be important this 10 million supporter video will knock your socks off goodness and furthermore the battery is solid we have a similar high limit 5000 milliamp hour cell as the s21 ultra yet it should endure longer because of different effectiveness enhancements simply loads of easily overlooked details like the telephone being capable to put the wi-fi to consequently rest at the point when not being used and it ought to likewise charge quicker on account of the greatest charging power being knock from 25 watts to 45 that is simply amazing yet all of this stuff the s pen shows programming battery these are pretty minor enhancements over last year.

Where while you're shooting video the telephone can choose the best outline rate for you in view of lighting conditions I can imagine like one circumstance in all my years where I could have needed that component or auto outlining which can change the zoom level in view of the number of individuals that are in the picture it adds a degree of dynamism. Utilizing this telephone it has the power to take two photographs immediately one super high goal 108 megapixel went for detail and afterward one lower goal 12 megapixel went for splendor and afterward meld them for what samsung is talking about is the most ideal scenario and afterward thanks.