Hi everyone, hope your day going good. Today I share with you some information related Blue Flex Earbuds. So during their October 2019 featured discussion, apple declared their new iPhone 12, alongside their new Home Pod smaller than expected. In any case, they additionally unobtrusively delivered their new Beats Flex simply by hurling them on their site. Presently generally the beats flex are an additional financial plan accommodating form of the Beats X with some minor restorative and tech spec changes.

Presently with regards to evaluating the beats flex retail for $50 where concerning examination purpose the BEATS X used to retail for $100 when they originally emerged. Presently generally I truly do feel that assuming you are searching for a couple of spending plan headphones I believe you're in an ideal situation simply going with the OnePlus Buds which can be tracked down discounted for $60 over the Beats Flex cause they're simply much more helpful wether you're an iPhone client or an Android client. The main thing the Beats Flex truly has making it work is Apple's W1 chip which will truly possibly prove to be useful assuming that you as of now have different apple items. Presently for me the greatest disadvantage about the beats flex is that they're a couple of neck band headphones. Which truth be told is a style that truly went back and forth extremely quick fundamentally cause there are a ton of extraordinary modest really remote headphones at there like the OnePlus Buds.

Also, you know, for somebody who's gotten truly used to the comfort of genuinely remote headphones its extremely difficult for me to return or suggest a couple of neck band mini headphones. Presently with regards to fit no doubt these tiny headphones are in ear headphones and they fit well, yet, since they lay on your neck they can feel rather lumbering and furthermore remember that don't come included with Ear blades like the Beats X did. Presently with regards to tech specs the most interesting thing for me is that the Beats Flex charge through a USB C port. Where as the Beats X, Powerbeats, Powerbeats Pro, and Beats Solo Pro all charge through a lighting port.

 Which makes charging your iPhone and earphones truly advantageous cause you can utilize a similar link. Yet, since the Beats Flex charge through a USB C port it doesn't feel like apple is focusing on iPhone clients for these headphones. Not even iPhone clients that are utilizing less expensive iPhones like lets say the iPhone SE. Anyway with regards to battery duration the Beats Flex have a promoted battery duration of 12 hours where as the Beats X had a promoted battery duration of 8 hours.

However, again taking it back to the OnePlus buds they have a joined battery duration of 30 hours. What's more, the actual headphones can go for 7 hours in a row. Presently with regards to Bluetooth availability the Beats Flex are utilizing Apple's W1 chip which appeared with the first AirPods.. It may, clearly the Beats Flex will in any case work with any android gadget fine. Anyway remember… apple's more up to date AirPods are presently utilizing their fresher H1 chip, which other than quicker association speeds likewise support continuously listening Siri.

                So with headphones and earphones that are utilizing the H1 chip you can simply resemble Hey Siri call so and so. So extend remember despite the fact that the Beats Flex are utilizing the W1 chip which is great, they try not to have continuously listening Siri like apple's other fresher headphones or earphones. Yet, presently lets discuss paying attention to music with these mini headphones… these tiny headphones sound sufficient for a couple of $50 headphones. Also, since they are in ear headphones their sound quality advantages from this. Anyway by the day's end these tiny headphones are vocals and bass. All the other things is super difficult to hear cause they simply don't have the best interment partition… furthermore, at times the highs truly do get a kick out of the chance to get somewhat metallic. Yet, these miniature headphones in all actuality do have bass for a really long time.

So generally speaking for me its extremely difficult to suggest the Beats Flex when there are a ton of incredible of modest genuinely remote headphones out there. Since these are a couple of neck band style headphones they simply feel very lumbering and they can be fairly difficult to take care of in your pocket. Despite the fact that I believe its magnificent the Beats Flex have Apple's W1 chip which makes exchanging between your apples gadgets really simple… since these headphones charge through a USB C port it feels like apple isn't focusing on iPhone clients with these headphones.

So whether youre an iPhone or an android client on a tight spending plan I profoundly suggest you simply spend the extra $10 bucks and get yourself a couple of Oneplus buds. Over the long haul they will be much more helpful. Hope you get to know much more about earbuds, have a good day.